Last Update: Nov. 26, 2015, 8 a.m.

RPMLint reports

ROSA Enterprise Desktop X1/x86_64/contrib

Problems for package gxneur-0.13.0-2

Errors (13)

Error Type (3) Badness Message
binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath (?) 1 /usr/bin/gxneur ['/usr/lib64']
zero-length (?) 1 /usr/share/doc/gxneur/README
zero-length (?) 1 /usr/share/doc/gxneur/TODO
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Categories=GTK;GNOME;Application;Utility;" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Comment=X Neural Switcher (xneur) allow you to convert any text, typed in wrong keyboard layout just in-place for any X pplication." starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Encoding=UTF-8" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Exec=gxneur" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " GenericName=X Neural Switcher (GTK)" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Icon=/usr/share/gxneur/pixmaps/gxneur.png" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Name=GXNeur" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " StartupNotify=false" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Terminal=false" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
invalid-desktopfile (?) 1 /usr/share/applications/gxneur.desktop line " Type=Application" starts with a space. Comment, group and key-value lines should not start with a space. The validation will continue, with the leading spaces ignored.
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Warnings (8)

Warning Type (2) Message
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
file-not-in-%lang (?) /usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/gxneur.mo
incoherent-version-in-changelog (?) 0.13.0-2mdv2011.0 0.13.0-2
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